Eng Rus Ger
+372 602 1002
Valukoja 22, Tallinn
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10:00 - 20:00
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
goods in cart : 0
total price : 0 €
Stock indices: 17:25
Gold: 2199.0348
Silver: 25.7285
Platinum: 874.2482
USD/EUR: 1.0858


Budapest, Hungary.
Vienna, Austria.
Delaware, USA.
Frankfurt, Germany.
Tallinn, Estonia.
Cayman islands.
Kloten, Switzerland.
Toronto, Canada.

Moneroinvest offers services of storing precious metals with a high level of security.
One may place the coins and ingots in one of the nine safe storages all over the world.
Whenbuying products from Moneroinvest, the delivery is included in any of the storages.
The client is able to personally pick up their property from any of the storages anytime ororder a delivery to the address.
One of the advantages of Moneroinvest storage system is the opportunity to move the asssetsfrom one storage to another.
All of the stored precious metals are fully insured and  checked by an independent auditortwice a year.

Additional advantages for clients of Moneroinvest:
    -Independence from the banking system and the government
    -The most economic form of storages for ingots and coins
    -The highest security level for storage systems according to European standards-Repeated checking of stored precious metals by an independent expert
    -The most stringent privacy policy and data protection